Howdy Readers and friends of Eliot. I am just now wearing the little gentleman himself in a little sling. Eliot has come to appreciate the gentle art of baby-wearing lots over the last thirteen days. I am loving the feeling of having him right against my belly as well. Eliot was born on Sunday, October 8th at 5:33 pm. He weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces. He was 20.5 inches long but now is 21 inches long. Most importantly he is loved. Jess and I have found ourselves well suited to parenthood just by virtue of the fact we adore this little boy so much.
As many of you know we have been keeping to ourselves as of late. Please do not take our refusals to have visitors personally. We just are still adapting and recovering so we are not quite ready to be out and about with our little Eliot yet.
Our days have been changed greatly. We now sleep in 3 hour installments though Jess has allowed me more than my share of six hour installments(thank you dear you will be rewarded at the changing table of life). We have become mildly athletic in the Eliot lift and shift as well as the leg lift of change. It can only be understood by being seen.
My art has been re-inspired by the little guy. I have set up my little shop of horrors on the back of the apartment door so I can paint and walk Eliot at the same time. It is almost time for me to start working on some commissions I got from a classmate for the holidays. I will blog them as they come along. If any of you readers would like paintings done for the holidays drop me a line. I am trying to make this staying at home last as long as possible.