The reins of the valley have been transferred from the crimmens barn going crowd, me rob, jason lablanc to a new generation. The coolest thing is that the valley is in good hands. With the Keys Family taking over Gardiner and the surrounding towns we are able to extend the cool out and about when everyone thought the valley was lost. Travel safely Milo and dictate benevolently.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
The Keys Family
The reins of the valley have been transferred from the crimmens barn going crowd, me rob, jason lablanc to a new generation. The coolest thing is that the valley is in good hands. With the Keys Family taking over Gardiner and the surrounding towns we are able to extend the cool out and about when everyone thought the valley was lost. Travel safely Milo and dictate benevolently.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hey everyone, I am obsessed with my son. He is just so perfect. Today at work I was a perfectly horrible employee choosing to give residents a look at the pictures on my cell phone of Eliot along with their pills. Because of this everything was rushed. I came home at eleven and have been scrolling through pictures of the boy ever since. It is an obession rivaled only by my need to sing him songs and talk to him when he is awake.
Sunday, January 21, 2007

When Eliot was born he opened up a whole lot of new avenues of conciousness for me. I had previously been close to being a father and had been in a father-like role before but the differences were not ones I could have hoped to describe before having my own little boy.
Eliot also opened up new ways of seeing how things progress in the world and through time. He taught me what it is to be tired. Really tired. He also teaches me about relationships every day. The lens having a child in the world with you provides makes the world you percieved before seem quite distorted.
Even after over three months later I am still wrapping my head around this irrevesible fact that confronts me every waking hour.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
There was this one picture...

I was hoping I would get to blog this great photo by tim or someone, I was playing guitard for the boy and he was loving it. someone took a pic of my hand and the guitar and it came out really well I am pretty sure it was the bro. At any rate it is now on my 2007 calender cover and will go in the scrapbook at the years end.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Fab Days In

This day has held nothing but hanging out and fing around with my new cell. It is a sad day to hear a full grown man talk about playing around with his cell phone all morning but hey, I transend maturity. Jess and I have spent the bulk of the day in though I went out for a jog in this crap weather. Being endorphined up for the day has been a plus though I am quite sure I will have to go out later to work off some more of that extra energy.
If any of you readers have any knowledge of how to get free data kits for the pebl motorola please let me know as I woudl rather not spend the 40 bucks on a cd i could problably get free online.
Anywhose. The weather outside is frightful and i will be starting class tomarrow. Let the good times roll. wish me luck on my smartification folks.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Cameralessness finds me more pics from the past

Jess says "I want a tea set." then sighs and suggests we get a chicken and make some soup. As I sit quoting her on my blog I realize I have come to a creative impass. Jess Asks me "Do you like veggie burgers? Fresh ones? They are a good thing to make and freeze."
Yes I do like them, "they are the ones with chick peas right?"
Apparently you can make them with any kind of bean.
We both have creative projects we are working on. I am working on a pet portrait for a former classmate of mine. Jess is working on a quilt and a bunch of mittens on commision. It is time to go shopping. The art will have to wait. Last week I started some portraits of Eliot out and about on the town.
Today we need to shop. Jess ate peanuts and ice cream for supper.
Friday, January 12, 2007
The Day Off!

I had a lovely day today with my boy. He and I went out and about all over the town finding lots of people we knew and I bought that kneadable erasure I have been wanting. Talked to Dave about the Firday open gallery scene and will be there tonight hopefully the boy will attend with the mamma. We had a busy week last first friday but sold very little. I sold the portrait of a sick man original and Tom sold some prints but other than that it was a bust. Art walks this time of year usually are but that does not make the fact you are not selling anything any easier.
Monday, January 08, 2007
The Weather Outside is Frightful

I hope all you are having a lovely day. Maine is being treated to another weird january day complete with near sixty degree weather and rain rather than snow. Jess and I just watched An Inconvenient truth the other day. I should really saty away from that stuff it just makes me want to start revolutions when I really ought to just be doing the dishes.
Our winter here in Maine has been rather effed up with no snow and heat waves. Yesterday was a tee shirt day. Jess, Eliot, and I went scouting for places to tie the knot. It was strange to see OOB deserted in 60 degree weather.
The camera is still broken so we are having to dredge up old pics. My apologies. I will try and keep it interesting, you will just have to imagine Eliot being cute until we get our camera fixed.
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