I have staved off a virtual rant for long enough. It is now time for me
to take out my rant list and submit them to you my non-captive audience.
1. Life as a father is good, I am a good father and do the right things.
With this in mind picture the following: It was a lovely day,
chilly but not full Maine weather. Just hovering around freezing. I just ate the nicest cheese and bread before doodling Eliot an myself out to the bus stop. Monument Square was full of the colorful people it is known for. Many of them were waiting for buses in the bus shelter. I asked a couple of them to stop smoking and made my way to a bench. An odd smelling lady(one of the smokers in a
non-smoking bus stop tries to put her hands into my jacket to make sure
he can breathe. Thankfully I am to quick for her. Her dirty yellow
paws glance off as I smile politely telling her Eliot is very tired.
The next carnival folk enters with a dog and cigarette which
he extinguishes after only a short exchange of glances at him then the
non-smoking sign. It is clear from his parlance he is looking for a
chat(not a bus). He sees Eliot and dashes over. Full of helpful advice
about warmth and children he tells me how important it is to cover the
boys ears. I deflect him and his approaching hands with thanks for his
caring and tell him Eliot is quite warm. The dog man persists, "I think
you better cover up the boys ears."
"No thank you though he is fine."
"He is cold you should be worried for his health."
"No thank you." He was one suggestion of getting his ass kicked in a big
bad way by a man who looked pregnant and tired. I am very
tired. I am f-ing tired of people trying to touch my son without permission, and telling me how to take care of my boy.
2.I think I will have to be extremely rude to every person who tells me I
am suffocating my baby. Slings may be new to the US. Fathers carrying their sons zipped into their jackets may be new to see. It is completely irrational and rude to
tell a man carrying his son in a jacket he is suffocating his son.
Why do people persist in saying this? I choose to believe they ask me
if Eliot can breathe because they want to be verbally abused. One of the desk ladies at the Nuns used crap store on congress was told, "He is six months old and healthy and happy. Of course he is suffocating. He is suffocating in the attention I give him and our family's love for him. Why would a loving father as I obviously am
endanger his child?"
I am taking suggestions for snappy responses. Mine tend to be way to not snappy.
You will get a prize for giving me that perfect thing to say to the
next obnoxious person who knows I am suffocating my baby.
3. Public servants harassing me because they think I am the uni bomber. I have been stopped by the police, questioned by bus drivers, and asked to wake up the boy by security personnel.
Our culture is cultivating an anti father set of values. How is it that
a police officer can justify being rude when he is asking me to step
over to his car? How dare he ask me what my name is in thatdick headed
cop tone that tells me I have no rights. How dare he not say I am sorry
for questioning you wrongly. I would not have minded if he had said,
"Oh my I did not know you have a baby under the jacket. What is his
name?" Instead he made up a story about somebody of my description
being in the neighborhood and up to no good. Public servants are in the
stone age. A bus driver told me I could not bring my dog on the bus.
Fathers can be fathers well. It really wears us out though, the sleep
deprivation plus the questions, plus the looks, plus the complete lack
of cooperation of the systems that are supposed to keep us safe and
supported show.