This is about one year ago.

Jess and I wish you all the Merriest of all Merries. We are here at our new apartment far from the discontent of twins and eccentric cheese ladies. It is with great happiness and excitement that we are moving in all of our crap and having daily arguments about furniture arrangements(if she asks you if it is alright to have3e a couch away from the wall say yes!). We have quite a few boxes to go and one trip back to the old place to get the last of our crap and we will be done.
My level of preparedness for this holiday is minimal. I had to really stretch to get actual things for Jess to open tomorrow. We are going to have to exchange pictures of things we are making for each other tomorrow as we both have procrastinated.
Since there is no way Jess will read this before I give the picture of here Christmas gift future is I will tell you my special secret blog admirers. I am going to enlist the help of my extremely talented friend Peter to help me make a lamp for Jess to use sewing. I am going to design it and Pete will make it for us. Yes my friends he does take other commissions. You should write me or leave a comment on my blog if you want an amazing and perfect piece of furniture made. Here is a picture of a lamp he made after being inspired by a frank Lloyd wright show at the museum.

So anyways the thing I have in mind is a sweeping arch that comes out of the rafters at the new place to rest just above jess' sewing desk. I will have to talk to Pete about the feasibility about the project as a whole since I really have no fing clue. Well to all those I love I Wish you a merry Christmas. I apologise for any gifts I have not bought or sent. It has been a verry-gardella busy Christmas what with the move and all.