Jess and I got married last weekend and had a fantastic time doing so. It sounds crazy, having fun at your own wedding, but we did. I would say it was the best party/ wedding I have ever been to. I hope to have anniversary parties just like it until death do done us in.
I am exactly like a gazelle in that regard.
The food was amazing, it was served up with perfect timing (I got to jump the cue). No one complained about anything because it kicked ass.
the Half Moon Jug band also kicked ass. They were the perfect band and with Clara singing a beautiful song she wrote for us we had amazing music at the wedding. Clara's song was the perfect gift and Glen played us in brilliantly with his horn.
The guests were all moved by the service, readers and readings. John did a fantastic job leading us through a quaker style wedding. Many people stood(more than I thought would actually) to share stories and well wishes for and about us. I would recommend this form of service for anyone. John had strongly recommended it and we can see why in retrospect. For many these unrehearsed shared words brought extra meaning to an already lovely service. Again thank you John Eder!
I know I am forgetting lots of things that made this the perfect wedding, I just thank everyone for being so generous and kind, so many came from so far away. It was touching to know our families and friends are so present in our lives. we love you guys and look forward to celebrating many more milestones in the future(hopefully also with lobster and steak).