I am heading to the parents this weekend for my birthday with the family. It should lovely. We are going with a caravan from maine comprised of all of the seven russel families. It should rock.
I talked to my long lost second cousin who I have not seen since I was in NY for tennis in 2005. He sounded fantastic and will be here tomarrow. Max is in town this week too. i think he Just came in so it will be great to see him as well.
Eliot is saying a variety of word other than mama and dada now. he is saying dexter, cat and doggie too. It is really cool to see him learn words of things he is excited about. I think he already knows what the word is, it just takes a lot of excitement to prod him along into bothering to learn that word. That is what makes me think he is going to be as mad about animals as his mother.
This mornign was lovely. Jess, Eliot, and I went walking around town. It was really busy down there the tourists were hillarious. Jess and I looked rather clownish too with jess sporting a hat that made her look like the plantet saturn and me rolling up my see-through scrubs to expose my black socks with sneakers and lovely pasty white legs. I think I will send tha trequest in for a makeover to that tv show after all. Its that or join the circus because I make a great clown.
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