Jess and I have been looking into methods and tools teaching at home. there is a great deal of literature out there. i am happy to say the book I am reading now is very inspiring. It is hard to tell now what we will do. We have a friend who have thought of doing this but decided not to as thier child is so appropriate for school. I hope that Eliot is that way about home schooling. It will be ideal if our choice is easy to make because of a clear preference for one or the other.
If anyone out there has read any good material on how to get started early, by all means post it. we are having a great time learning more about approaches to education.
What book is it you are reading now that is inspiring?
Soulemama lists some books on her site about unschooling (a form of home schooling). there is also a fundamentalist type movement called Titus 2 that is about homeschooling but also about self sufficiency skills...it is very interesting and even though it is religious it is interesting to hear their take on things.
Soule Mama can be googled. She lives in South Portland and has a book about creativity for families.
I miss you guys!
My sister has used "The Well-Trained Mind" for years, and LOVES it. Her kids read voraciously, and enjoy all their subjects. It's a "classical" education, very different from the "unschooling" approach, but something to consider! (We'll most likely be using this book, or some other classical approach, when we start homeschooling Simon and Nelson...)
Good luck in your search!
I have learned that it is easier to "hitch" you wagon to their star while they are younger. You wouldn't think that little shoulders can support you, but you be surprised!
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