I am now studying fruit trees for planting in the spring and pruning for the winter as I hack away at the massive quaff of honeysuckle that has plagued our neighbors houses and our yard for years. Every time I go out of the house my neighbors thank me profusely for my beneficence and the kindnesses I have heaped upon them by cutting the crap out of my yard. Apparently the guy who owned the house years ago put it in for privacy and just did nothing to keep it in check (it sounds like he was a bit of a prick). The really exciting part is putting things into the chipper as I visualize Fargo worst case scenarios and try to figure out how I would give myself a tourniquet if my arm got sucked in. Luckily it has not and also luckily there are about eighty safety devices making it nearly impossible for me to make armburger. I have been very careful too.
We went to the Cumberland county fair today and Commonground on last Friday. The differences were hilarious. The carnies just wore different costumes. Overalls/long skirts and dreadlocks vs baggy pants w/dueche bag hat or overly tight jeans with muffin top. The food was the same only one was organic therefore more expensive. They had one thing especially in common, they both were so much fun. I can't remember having more fun at the Commonground(can't remember lots of things about the Commonground from my youth) and I love attending a fair with Eliot because it is all so wonderful to him. He drinks in the nectar of each thing he does or sees. It is what a parent lives for those moments.