Sunday, September 30, 2007

An Interesting Weekend

This weekend started out interesting and ended interesting. Thursday at work a resident eloped and that gave me a keen sense that I really needed to not be there for a minute longer than I had to.
Friday's beautiful weather gave Jess and I a chance to enjoy some time together though most of the time we spent indoors. Jess has been working hard at getting Miss Lulu's order done and is need of lots of support from me.
Jess slaved all day Saturday on the order then we went out for ice cream pictured below before heading back to the apt for a nice vaysut with tayham and patrayshau. It was great to see them. We went to a bunch of spots trying to hear the hippest band in Portland but alas the music lost out to a great Rosie's darts scene(tim 1 kevin 1 trisha 0). We were however disappointed when we came home to the west end for wings 20 minutes after Rosie's kitchen was closed.
Today we went to Steve and Leah's apt for crepe's then went to pick apples and such at this lovely place in east bumf---. It was a beautiful drive punctuated by Pam and Maggie's car coming undone at an intersection. Very scary. the whole front wheel just came off and got lodgded in the wheel well sideways. It sounded horrible but no one was hurt. Luckily they had just started up again so they were not moving very fast when it happened. Hopefully they will get a good deal from their mechanic. It looks like it might not be that much of a bother once they get the parts.
The orchard was packed despite the fact only two varieties of apples are ready. We scored some plums which we are going to put in rum with sugar to ferment. I also got to show off my pig calling skills. All those years of rude snorting pay off to win friends and impress two year olds.
Have a good week family and friends. Do not forget to make a birthday wish for Eliot on his verry first birthday which is on Wednesday.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Common Ground Fair

Today was the common ground fair in Unity. The three of us went up and had a great time. Jess and Eliot were kind of tired when they first arrived but the fun crowds and great stuff buoyed their spirits and all was well. We saw many people we knew but did not get much time to talk as Eliot was requiring lots of attention. One time today I was letting him push the stroller in front of me and i looked up to see what was ahead. When I looked down Eliot was no where to be seen. My heart skipped a bit or five until I turned and saw he was right next to me in my blind spot. Scary feeling.
One the way home we stopped in Augusta. It was nice to spend some time there having a quick bite. We ate overlooking the city at Evergreen Cemetery. It was beautiful.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Commonground right around the corner

This weekend is commonground. I managed to get a day off. Jess Eliot and I will be hob knobbing with hippies this weekend. I am thinking about skipping the watermellon this time around.
Eliot is getting real chatty. very cute indeed

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Community is happening

Today I met up with a couple of friends and their children and so very lucky to live in Portland. We had not really planned on meeting up. The smallness of the city just kind of made it happen. This is what I love about this city.
I helped out mama Jess like a big boy today cutting out her patterns in corduroy. She seemed to think it was worthy of praise but I had to go to work before I received my payment in smooches.
Tonight at work was very silly indeed. I had KFC for the first time in a long time. It was tasty yet foul. I think I will stick to Rosie's wings. Tonight I am staying in. I would have gone out had I found out about any happenings but I think I would be just as happy at home. It is chilly and Portland needs me to sleep I have another day of chance meetings scheduled tomorrow.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another Weekend in vacationland

IT was a typical weekend in Maine, oceans butterfly chasing, photoshoots, and keg parties. The friday revelries found me across the beer pong table from a formidible adversary, my own good friend dave and Jeanette. The occasion was a money raising party for Jeanette's prodigal art but it ended up being free for me. I think Jeanette knew I was a lightweight. I have to give them a cheer for their beer pong prowess but a jeer for Dave's sportsmanship. His tenure on the table was due largely to creative interpetaion of the rules and of course his insistance that everyone only have one game. Dave your days are numbered as beer pong master. Eliot and I have a strategy for dethroning you and your made up rules!
Seriously though it was good to go to a keg party even if it did make me feel a bit more thirty than I would like to feel.
Speaking of thirty my coworkers are getting a cheer from me tonight for the surprise birthday party they threw me. Not only did they have a swell shindig but they had a great cake and flowers too! I was so surprised I almost needed to borrow a depends before digging in. The flowers have been drawnw twice and will be painted tonight time permitting.
Jess and I did a relationship stress test otherwise known as a photoshoot. We are not meant to work together with cameras. We both enjoy being creative and bossy at the same time which results in lots of commands and few commandees. None the less the photos of Eliot wearing the Miss Lulu's stuff came out great.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Well I Haven't Any Photos to Fluff Up Today's Report

Today has been very slow. It is not so beautiful and I found out I missed my test to get on the list for the nursing program here. No worries though. The clouds will clear and there will be another test this October.
Eliot is not just satisfied with walking anymore. His ambling has given way to faster version of itself. It is fun to watch him run and tumble. He is very good humored about it. That is all for today.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Check out these for the changes in the art

There are four paintings done during the last three years. I am just marveling how it is like I have never painted some things before. Other things I have a better sense of how to paint them now than before I took my break for fathering. It is remarkable how Eliot has brought about change. Jess has changed too. It was just more subtle. Her creativity is efficient yet fluid. She plans and plan in her head how to make a creative thing happen then executes it with few snags. She is able to anticipate the points that will be frustrating to her and avoid them. IT is a skill I would do well to emulate.
I am hoping the classmate I had gotten an order from buys these paintings of her dog. I had such a hard time doing them because they were tough angles. The photos really were flat and I had no sense of the dogs length and purportion. So hard to do without the dog on the spot.
If any of you want work done please send me notice. I am finished with all of my commissioned work presently and am looking for more. Sky is the limit as usual of course.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Big news

The Little Bunny is being carried locally at Miss Lulu's on Gold Street in Portland. Jess, Eliot, and I went in today and brought along the pants and outfits she had made. The owners were very pleased to see how very beautiful her work is.
I have been absolutely thrilled ever since as our goal eventually is to have Jess doing this type of work full time.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

today I declared a pair of my own socks to be more foul than dirty diapers. They will spend the remainder of the week with the dirty diapers for this offens(ive oder). The homeless made not one crazy comment. It was a slow but good day.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Boy Charms and That is all

Eliot came to work today and worked it. He really did his rounds at seventy five state streets third floor living room. It was really funny how he toddled from resident to resident.
We went to the farmers market in the morning for some veggies for Dexter and a nice lady gave us some carrot tops for free. I think Dexter will agree that was very nice of her. We have been worried as of late for our little Dexter as he is getting old and is not as continent as he used to be. I am thinking of crafting some bunny depends. Does anyone have any patterns out there?
It looks as though Jess will be having her stuff out by the end of the week. The prospect of her getting the praise I have been giving her only on a larger scale makes me excited. She has peed on her parades in the past, underselling her own talent so it will be nice to say told you so when the rest of Portland lines up to wear A Little Bunny originals
I have been doing two commissions finally that I have been meaning to do since school let out. They are pet portraits and seahorses so I was not feeling as amped about them as usual. It was good to have work though and of course the practice is always useful.
Lastly our new advice from the crazyman section:
Today in the outdoor market the crazy guy who is always talking smack told me to "Look at all the fat Americans." He is truly one crazy motherFer. It is fun to keep track of him and the various craziness he espouses. I will have to do a video about him.

Saturday, September 01, 2007