IT was a typical weekend in Maine, oceans butterfly chasing, photoshoots, and keg parties. The friday revelries found me across the beer pong table from a formidible adversary, my own good friend dave and Jeanette. The occasion was a money raising party for Jeanette's prodigal art but it ended up being free for me. I think Jeanette knew I was a lightweight. I have to give them a cheer for their beer pong prowess but a jeer for Dave's sportsmanship. His tenure on the table was due largely to creative interpetaion of the rules and of course his insistance that everyone only have one game. Dave your days are numbered as beer pong master. Eliot and I have a strategy for dethroning you and your made up rules!
Seriously though it was good to go to a keg party even if it did make me feel a bit more thirty than I would like to feel.
Speaking of thirty my coworkers are getting a cheer from me tonight for the surprise birthday party they threw me. Not only did they have a swell shindig but they had a great cake and flowers too! I was so surprised I almost needed to borrow a depends before digging in. The flowers have been drawnw twice and will be painted tonight time permitting.
Jess and I did a relationship stress test otherwise known as a photoshoot. We are not meant to work together with cameras. We both enjoy being creative and bossy at the same time which results in lots of commands and few commandees. None the less the photos of Eliot wearing the Miss Lulu's stuff came out great.
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