Eliot came to work today and worked it. He really did his rounds at seventy five state streets third floor living room. It was really funny how he toddled from resident to resident.
We went to the farmers market in the morning for some veggies for Dexter and a nice lady gave us some carrot tops for free. I think Dexter will agree that was very nice of her. We have been worried as of late for our little Dexter as he is getting old and is not as continent as he used to be. I am thinking of crafting some bunny depends. Does anyone have any patterns out there?
It looks as though Jess will be having her stuff out by the end of the week. The prospect of her getting the praise I have been giving her only on a larger scale makes me excited. She has peed on her parades in the past, underselling her own talent so it will be nice to say told you so when the rest of Portland lines up to wear A Little Bunny originals
I have been doing two commissions finally that I have been meaning to do since school let out. They are pet portraits and seahorses so I was not feeling as amped about them as usual. It was good to have work though and of course the practice is always useful.
Lastly our new advice from the crazyman section:
Today in the outdoor market the crazy guy who is always talking smack told me to "Look at all the fat Americans." He is truly one crazy motherFer. It is fun to keep track of him and the various craziness he espouses. I will have to do a video about him.
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