Monday, January 07, 2008

New Place Starting to Take Shape.

This week will be a week of hagning things on the walls and possibly more painting. I am looking forward to getting Jess hooked up with a craft table so she can continue to amaze the craft world with her knack for clothing sass.
Talking with the old landlady went well today. I think she and I have the not so unique trait of overreacting then cooling down over time. If I was really clever I would remove my wrathful posts but I am not and it is good to be reminded of my imperfections. At any rate I am expecting to get a substantial part of our security deposit back. If not there is always court I guess but that just seems so sad right now as her and I used to hang out. Portland makes it really hard to have such negative relationships in. Everyone knows everyone and for that reason there are very few secrets.

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